Turkey, which has been point of attraction with its economic growth, has been invited by Algeria for investment. Algeria Investment Ministry Coordinator Belahri İheme wished that Turkish businessmen should not be late to invest in their country. Belahri İheme who was included in the delegation organized the 3rd International Sahra Tourism Festival said; “ I
Black Sea Coastal Road which remains in the agenda of Turkey for around 19 years is opening tomorrow. In the opening of Black Sea Coastal Road, around 20 contracting companies which handled the project shall experience a bittersweet happiness Because the contractors are waiting for the payment of their receivables around 850 million dollars. Contractors
Upon the income tax returns submitted in March, Erol Çarmıklı ranked no. two with a tax amount of 3 million 821 thousand 646 NTL over an revenue amount of 10 million 932 thousand 731 NTL whereas Oğuz Çarmıklı ranked no. three with a tax amount of 3 million 792 thousand NTL: Nurettin Çarmıklı took fourth
Germany Embassy informed that; export credit guarantee required for Germany stage of Ilısu Dam which shall submerge Hasankeyf and Hydro –Electrical Power Plant was approved by Germany Federal Government in March, 24. Embassy, pointing out the Hasankeyf provision, indicated that; the mentioned guarantee has been connected with higher demands aiming to limit at the minimum
The firs tube of 11 manufactured within the scope of Marmaray Project was mounted on the base of Istanbul Bosphorus yesterday by a method used for the first time in the world. In this operation in which 11 tubes shall be submerged to the part of Bosphorus with thousand 384 meter long, “tube tunnel” has
FNSS, enhancing the position of a “National” company as 51% of the company shares have been transferred to Nurol Holding upon the share increase accomplished on 30 June 2005, has decided to continue Research and Development studies despite the 60 % contraction put into effect within the scope of Mobilization Action Plan. The accuracy of