Aiming to solve the traffic problems, Istanbul Bosphorus Tube Passage Road tenders will be held on the 15th of January. The tunnel is expected to contribute 125 million dollars per year to the economy. The construction of the project, which is started to solve the problem of Istanbul’s traffic, and which will be made with
Three people from Carmikli family stamped the record breaker tax payers list of Ankara. The Award was granted by President Gul, who participated in an activity of the business world for the first time. While Mustafa Koc, the Honorary President of the Koç Holding who was the record breaker of the revenue tax in 2006
Twenty-two Turkish construction firms named by Engineering News Record magazine in its “World’s Top 225 International Contractors” received recognition yesterday by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Foreign Trade Minister Kürşad Tüzmen. The event was organized by the Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade and the Turkish Contractors Association (TMB). Representatives from Enka İnşaat, Rönesans İnşaat,
TSKB( Turkish Industrial and Developmental Bank) and Akbank, provided loans amounting to US $ 66 million for Enova Energy Inc. which will build an HPP on Ceyhan River with Ceyhan HPP project to provide loans. In a written statement made from TSKB, both banks participated with 50 % share in the loaning for Enova Energy
Sheraton Hotel & Convention Center Ankar, has won the Europe’s Leading Conference Hotel Award and Turkey’s Leading Conference Hotel award in the “World Travel Awards” which are considered to be the Oscars of the world’s travel industry. Sheraton Hotel & Convention Center Ankara authorities, while receiving their awards before prestigious guests of the community consisting
Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu, sadece Nurol Holding’in talepte bulunması sonucu rekabetin oluşmayacağı ve istenilen rakama ulaşılamama tehlikesine karşı ATV-Sabah’ın satış ihalesini 5 Aralık’a erteledi..Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu (TMSF), ATV-Sabah Ticari ve İktisadi Bütünlüğü’nün, daha önce 7 Kasım 2007 olarak belirlenen ihale tarihini yaklaşık bir ay erteledi. TMSF tarafından perşembe günü yapılan açıklamada, ihalenin 5 Aralık