Asya ile Avrupa’yı denizin altından bağlayacak Marmaray Projesi’nde son tüp tünel Ulaştırma Bakanı Binali Yıldırım’ın katılımıyla denize batırıldı. Bakan “2012’de Marmaray hizmete girecek” dedi. Sistemin toplam uzunluğu 13 bin 558 metre, su yüzeyinden derinliği ise 60 metre olan Marmaray, bu derinlikle “dünyanın en derin batırma tüneli” ünvanını da alacak.
Nurol Technology who draws attention with nanotechnology applications and its infrastructure equipped with latest technology, took part in the International Iron-steel & Foundry Technology, Machinery and Products Trade Fair 2008 with its new brand “Potern” as an exhibitor. Nurol Technology’s new brand “Potern” host many domestic and foreign visitors and introduce ceramic foam, extruded, pressed
Fifth International Powder Metalurgy Conference is organized between 8th-12th October 2008 in our country with collaboration of Turkish Powder Metalurgy Association and TOBB ETU(Economy and Technoloji University).On the opening day , Nurol Technology host academicians and technical personnel came from different countries with a cocktail.The academicians who visited the modern facility of Nurol Technology also
The rich Gulf countries enriching even more with the increase in oil prices that have been experienced in the recent years, have also became the new favorite of Turkish exporters. The exports to the region has reached record levels. The level is estimated to have a value of approximately two trillion dollars of capital accumulation.
Erdal Eren, President of Turkey Contractors Union, said in his written statement that the the world’s 225 largest international construction firms were determined annually by the international construction industry sector magazine “Engineering News Record (ENR) and the study was conducted on basis of the income gained from the works abroad. Eren reported that the number
The mansion of one of the Former Soviet Union’s most famous secret service chiefs, Lavrenti Beria’s Georgia mansion which he stayed during his visits to Georgia, will from now on be used as a residence within the body of Nurol Holding and will provide services for tourism. With an eagle’s overlooking point to Batumi, the
Ankara Sheraton Hotel & Convention Center which is currently operated by Turser Tourism, an affiliate of Nurol Group of Companies, bears the feature of being Ankara’s largest congress hotel. General Manager of Turser Tourism which is affiliated with the winner of “Europe’s best Congress hotel” selected by World Travel Awards in 2007 ,Sheraton Hotel &
Within the framework of the Marmaray Project which will connect Asia and Europe under the sea, the immersion process of the 135 meter long tube numbered 5 took place yesterday. The immersion process which started at 09.00 hours in the morning off the shore of Sarayburnu, from the without engine platform ship called ” Ecem