TSKB( Turkish Industrial and Developmental Bank) and Akbank, provided loans amounting to US $ 66 million for Enova Energy Inc. which will build an HPP on Ceyhan River with Ceyhan HPP project to provide loans. In a written statement made from TSKB, both banks participated with 50 % share in the loaning for Enova Energy
Sheraton Hotel & Convention Center Ankar, has won the Europe’s Leading Conference Hotel Award and Turkey’s Leading Conference Hotel award in the “World Travel Awards” which are considered to be the Oscars of the world’s travel industry. Sheraton Hotel & Convention Center Ankara authorities, while receiving their awards before prestigious guests of the community consisting
Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu, sadece Nurol Holding’in talepte bulunması sonucu rekabetin oluşmayacağı ve istenilen rakama ulaşılamama tehlikesine karşı ATV-Sabah’ın satış ihalesini 5 Aralık’a erteledi..Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonu (TMSF), ATV-Sabah Ticari ve İktisadi Bütünlüğü’nün, daha önce 7 Kasım 2007 olarak belirlenen ihale tarihini yaklaşık bir ay erteledi. TMSF tarafından perşembe günü yapılan açıklamada, ihalenin 5 Aralık
At the evening which the 14th one took place in England this year, and organized by World Travel Awards in New Castle, on October 9, 2007 Sheraton Hotel & Construction Center Ankara which was a candidate in three separate categories has been selected Europe’s Leading Conference Hotel and Turkey’s Leading Conference Hotel after being successful
In the contract of Defense Industry Undersecretariat (SSM) for supplying the Medium Altitude Air Defence Missile System for Turkish Land Forces Command, the world’s giant leading defense companies will compete. Accordingly, while the firms responding to the request for information documents of the tender to procure these systems were being announced, FNSS, Aksa, ASELSAN Ayesas,
The latest indicator of Turkish contractors’ prominence came yesterday, as Chairman of Turkish Contractors Association (TMB) Erdal Eren announced in a written statement that, with respect to their size, 22 Turkish companies have entered the list of “Top 225 International Contractors” prepared by the Engineering News-Record (ENR) every year. Turkey had 20 companies on the