Futbol Federasyonu’nun bugün yapılan olağanüstü genel kurulunda, Hasan Doğan başkanlığa seçildi. Hasan Doğan’ın listesi şu isimlerden oluşuyor: Oğuz Çarmıklı, Mehmet Ali Aydınlar, Zafer Yıldırım, Mahmut Özgener, Serdar Güzelaydın, Levent Kızıl, Servet Yardımcı, Mehmet Baykan, Lütfi Arıboğan, Süleylan Atal, Ufuk Özerten, Arif Nuri Koşar, Tuncay Karartı, Yunus Egemenoğlu.
There are no translations available. Ankara’da yarın yapılacak Futbol Federasyonu başkanlık seçimine tek aday olarak girecek Hasan Doğan, güçlü bir kadro oluşturuyor. Doğan, listesine M.Ali Aydınlar, Zafer Yıldırım, Mahmut Özgener ve Oğuz Çarmıklı’yı aldı. Vergi rekortmeni Çarmıklı OĞUZ Çarmıklı 1947 Ardahan doğumlu. Nurol Holding Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı. İnşaat Mühendisi. Evli ve 3 çocuk babası.
One of the lecturers Bilkent University Professor Misman’s painting and sculpture exhibition was opened at Nurol Art Gallery. One of issues that makes this show of Hayati Misman who is one of the leading names in the published drawings in Turkey, is that it involves his recent works of sculptures as well.
“Competitiveness and Innovation Summit” was held by the ITEC firm at the Sheraton Hotel in Ankara. Competition and innovation in the 21st century and what the Turkish companies should do were among the topics discussed in the summit which was attended by the managers of large firms operating in Ankara and around the province.
The works developed by housewives and young girls within the scope of the “Gold and Jewellery Design Education” project, which is a European Union supported educational program of Association for Women and Youth Platform, met with the people of Ankara. The showcased jewelry, displaying the rich Anatolian culture, the thin pleasures, curiosity and the ability
Assured Growth. A Turkish company in the global defense companies league is selling ‘land systems solutions’ to the world takes away business from the United States in the Middle East. In 2009, USD120 millions in sales is of a sure thing. Merve Gün of the Undersecretariat of Defense Industry had brought up a pre-condition when
Aiming to solve the traffic problems, Istanbul Bosphorus Tube Passage Road tenders will be held on the 15th of January. The tunnel is expected to contribute 125 million dollars per year to the economy. The construction of the project, which is started to solve the problem of Istanbul’s traffic, and which will be made with
Three people from Carmikli family stamped the record breaker tax payers list of Ankara. The Award was granted by President Gul, who participated in an activity of the business world for the first time. While Mustafa Koc, the Honorary President of the Koç Holding who was the record breaker of the revenue tax in 2006
Twenty-two Turkish construction firms named by Engineering News Record magazine in its “World’s Top 225 International Contractors” received recognition yesterday by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Foreign Trade Minister Kürşad Tüzmen. The event was organized by the Undersecretariat for Foreign Trade and the Turkish Contractors Association (TMB). Representatives from Enka İnşaat, Rönesans İnşaat,