The Turkish defense Industry made a major advance forward with the strategic plan put into application in 1997. After the twelve years that have transpired the situation is as follows: The turnover of the sector doubled-up while its exports tripled. We have reached the point where almost half of the armed forces’ needs are being
According to ENR magazine’s annual report which ranks the contracting companies who operate outside their own countries, Turkey, with 31 companies, took the second place after China. Nurol Construction, has also continued its success in the past two years and was ranked the 106 th in the index proving to be one of the best
Abu Dhabi will allocate USD164 billions for infrastructure projects until 2030 whereas Dubai which used to be an agenda-setting emirate by its over-crowded shopping malls, by its projects backed by billions of dollars of funds, went upside down with the global crisis. USD80 billions of debt, empty shopping malls and dissappointed workers and investors heading
Prime Minister Erdoğan will shower the industrialists in Ankara with most exports and the employment they have created with awards at a ceremony to be held today at ACI (Ankara Chamber of Industry) on the occasion of celebrating its 46th anniversary. Awards will be given to the member companies of Ankara Chamber of Industry with
Stressing the fact that Turkish contractors have the equipment and more to realize all the construction contracting works required by the public and private sectors in Russia, the Turkish Contractors’ Union takes a note of the fact that it would be beneficial to continue to diversify the investment and operation portfolios in the future and
One of the leading companies in the manufacturing of armored vehicles in our country, Nurol Machinery has lived through experiencing the pride of leaving behind an exhausting yet just as productive fair. The company, within the scope of İDEF, presented the armored personnel carrier, armored battle vehicle, and the armored recon vehicle models of the
Libya, Al Fateh University School of Physical Education and Landscaping Works, and the Construction of Schools of Law and Economics. The Project consists of Al Fateh University School of Physical Education and the related landscaping works to be implemented in seventeen months on a turn-key basis. The Project will have a budget of 63 million
Turkey has to double-up its energy capacity in the next ten years; and in order just to realize this goal it has to invest USD130 billions. This potential is enhancing the appetites of both domestic and foreign investors alike. For this reason, numerous groups have been investing billions of dollars in the energy sector. But,