Within the framework of the Marmaray Project which will connect Asia and Europe under the sea, the immersion process of the 135 meter long tube numbered 5 took place yesterday. The immersion process which started at 09.00 hours in the morning off the shore of Sarayburnu, from the without engine platform ship called ” Ecem
”SHOPS Spring Fair” which is conducted to bring a different taste to shopping and to catch up with the spring enthusiasm and to provide the guests to enjoy a day full of entertainment, will satisfy the people of Ankara through introducing them to the indispensable brands of Sheraton Ankara SHOPS ranging from dresses to technology,
The Defense Industry Fair which is Asia’s largest defense industry fair was opened yesterday in Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur. A subsidiary company of Nurol Holding, FNSS, Nurol, has signed an sales contract with Malaysia for Armored Combat Vehicles on the first day of the fair. As a requirement of the contract FNSS will sell 48
Planlama ve Kurumsal İletişim Bölüm Başkanımız Sn. Meral CEYLAN’ın Topluluğumuz genelinde uygulanan “Parmak İzi Paylaşım Günleri” ve “Mutluluk Okulu” isimli kişisel gelişim eğitimlerinin tanıtımını ve hayata dair eğlenceli bakış açısınıadresinden inceleyebilirsiniz. You can review the presentation of personal improvement workshops titled “Finger Print Sharing Days” and “Happiness School” by Ms. Meral CEYLAN, Head of the