‘PROMISE’ which is produced in cooperation with General Staff and Ministry of National Defense for the first time in Turkey attracts attention with its huge production. The domestic product ‘Ejder Yalçın 4×4’ combat vehicle made by Nurol Makina and also used by the Special Forces Team of the Turkish Armed Forces are used in this
Site installation was completed for the construction of Eyiste Viaduct which will reduce Konya-Alanya to 2 hours. Mr. Ahmet Hadimioğlu, Mayor of Hadim, visited the Nurol Construction authorities, who was awarded the viaduct tender, at the site and received information about the works. Hadimioğlu stated that site installation was completed for the construction and said
Ministry of Economics announced the results of the investment incentive certificates regarding February 2017. Accordingly, in February investment incentive certificate was issued for 466 projects which estimate investment of 5 billion 446 million dollars. Within the framework of the investment certificates, the firms will use foreign currency of 491 million 16 thousands and estimate employment
The first export agreement of ‘EJDER YALÇIN 4×4 Tactical Armored Combat Vehicle’ developed and produced by NUROL Makina ve Sanayi AŞ. was signed with the Ministry of Defense of a North African country. According to the statement of the company, the contract was decided to be concluded following the successful completion of the challenging desert
Mr. Binali Yıldırım, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, brought into service the 25-km Gemlik-Bursa section of Gebze-Orhangazi-İzmir Highway. Through this road which costed 2 billion 250 million Turkish Liras and includes gigantic art works, tunnels and bridges, uninterrupted transport is ensured between Istanbul and Bursa.
Design and development phase of the KORKUT (Self-propelled Low Level Air Defense Arm System) project performed by the Undersecretary of Defense Industry in order to meet the requirements of Land Forces Command, which is assumed by ASELSAN as the main contractor and subcontracted to FNSS were completed with success and now mass manufacturing will begin.
As stated by SSM, the contract regarding domestic design and production of armored amphibian vehicles was signed with a ceremony within the framework of the ZAHA project implemented to supply the needs of the Turkish Naval Forces. Accordingly, 27 ZAHA will be produced in total in order to provide safe transfer of the brigades deployed
3 new projects of NUROL Holding, one of the most famous investment agencies of Turkey, were promoted in London for various locations of Istanbul. Serhat Güngör, Sales Director of NUROL GYO, and Ender Yakşi, Corporate Sales Manager, stated that zero tax is applied for the foreigners who buy house in Turkey. NUROL GYO (Real Estate
Construction of Ümraniye-Ataşehir-Göztepe Metro and Provision, Installation and Commissioning of Electromechanical Systems project tendered by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Rail System Department, European Side Rail System Directorate under no 2016/311079 KİK with approximate cost of TRY,30 was awarded to Gülermak Heavy Industry-Nurol Construction Joint Venture with a bid of TRY 2.469.924.400.