With a press release dated 12 October 2016, Undersecretariat for Defence Industries Directorate of Corporate Communications announced that the Ballistic Protective Vest Project Agreement had been signed by Nurol Technology Industry and Mining Trade Inc.. The signing ceremony was held on 11 October 2016 with the participation of Defence Industry Undersecretary Prof. İsmail Demir and the agreement was signed by Nurettin Çarmıklı, Chairman of the Executive Board of Nurol Holding and Faruk Ünsal, The Deputy Director General of Public Security (who is assigned as The Superintendent of Police Service with the enactment of Provincial Police Chiefs released on the Official Gazette on 25 October 2016). The 180.000 “Ballistic Protective Vest Project” need of Security General Directorate aimed to be met by means of national production potentials and capabilities at maximum rates and all the submittals of the project are planned to be completed in a short period of time as 11 months.